Wednesday, October 24, 2007

BEN TINSLEY: We're almost there!

We're almost there. We publish in November.

As we stated in previous blog entries, Diamond Distributors declined to pick up Wham Bang Comics' premiere issue, Two-Fisted Adventures 1. Therefore, we have decided to distribute over the Internet, and the fantastic and talented printsmiths at ComiXpress have graciously agreed to list us sell us from their online comics shop.

It won't be quite as gratifying as walking into a comics store and seeing our comics on the shelf, but ComiXpress has a stellar reputation for quality. Hopefully with the advertising thrust we have planned for Nov. 10, our magazines will still be in the hands of many, many readers.

We're adding something special for our new customers: an additional two pages. Two-Fisted will say "50 pages" on the cover, but those are just the pages you're paying for. The additional two will contain our best two Night Owl webcomics -- FREE -- as a "thank you" for starting us on our publishing journey. We hope that doing it this way will give readers a taste of the young Texas shaman superhero in both long story and short story form. From us to you. Respect.

I'm hoping we get our comic out there far and wide. It's been in the works for awhile and frankly, the entire process of just getting it off the ground has been exhausting. I've been calling our art director, Jason Dube, every work day for updates on how the process is going with the printing and technical jazz and whatnot. I'm fairly certain I'm driving him crazy.

Here's to the end of the beginning.


publisher, Wham Bang Comics

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