Tuesday, October 2, 2007

BEN TINSLEY: I love Christopher W. Blaine's team comic!!!

I love team comics in general. Why? Because they give writers a chance to explore team dynamics, explore on-team romances -- pretty much put all the complications of the workplace put on the superhero stage.

It's a formula that works, even with the younger heroes. Lots of back-and-forth, mixing it up, working it out.

I especially love team comics that get a lot of storytelling done in a short amount of time. Tight, bright, and to the point.

The reason I mention this is you really need to read Christopher W. Blaine's upcoming team comic in Two-Fisted Adventures #1. It blends lots of history with sweet, punchy dialogue and the promise of something special to come. (We're withholding the comic title for now.)

We're almost there with the how and where Two-Fisted (and all our future comics) will be published. It's been a long process for us, but stay tuned. You won't regret it!


Wham Bang Comics

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